December 19, 1916.
My dear Mr. Wilson:
On behalf of Miss Addams and the Executive Committee of The Woman's Peace Party, I beg to bring to your consideration a Resolution passed during our annual convention in Washington last week.
RESOLVED, That the Woman's Peace Party deplore the over emphasis on the army and navy in the ceremony of inaugurating the President and recommend that in future this great national ceremony should represent the varied interests of the country, social, civic, philanthropic, educational, industrial, artistic, scientific and religious.
Since, Mr. President, the policies of your distinguished administration have been such as to celebrate "the constructive processes of peace", and since those policies have won for you the support of thousands of men and women throughout our country, may we not at this time fittingly urge that the ceremonies attending your second inauguration signalize this consciousness, and not, by their nature, suggest the accession of the chief of a great militaristic state.
Begging that you will take under consideration the suggestions embodied in our Resolution, believe me, with high regard,
Very sincerely yours,
Exec. Sec'y and Asso. Chairman