April 16" 1902
Dearest -–
The family have been here to lunch, your mother really enjoying it very much, and your father tramping over the flats in the most enthusiastic manner -- and trying very hard to praise yours. We had quite a party and it was successful I think.
The Woman's Club are giving a farewell party to Mrs Fuller, with tea and presents and many fol de rols -- it is quite pathetic the way both the Fullers cling to H.H. Your dear letters cheer [page 2] me above all else, I am sorry that you have had to give up Sicily but I don't believe a hurried trip would be worth it, it is too hot and glaring. Please ↑give↓my best sympathy to the dear Lady of the eyes, I certainly do know what it is and I am quite dreading California.
Mrs Kelley will be here all summer and so will Miss Hamilton and J Lathrop more or less. If you can be here too, all will be fine, won't it? Ella Waite mother died ten days ago, she is moving her effects into the new flat and [not go] [page 3] abroad with Miss Gernon, meeting Miss Howe later and [traveling] with her a little while. Her apartment grows more elaborate every day and her comfort in it is most obvious. Miss Benedict and Mr Burlingham have taken hold of beautifying the quadrangle with great [zeal] and are sending for [shrubs] & trees so that when one hears them talk and then looks at the poor wretched court itself it is startling. We are working on the "May festival," I believe that it will be "grand." I think of you very often and always with growing affection. Harriet Herrick is in bed most of the day. I am going to see her tomorrow.
Love to you both always ys J.A.