Memorandum by Dr. Urie.
The defects of the Muskegon camp can be easily remedied at a slight expense and with better care as to the disposal of camp refuse. If permission could be obtained to cut down the scrub growth which helps to shut off the wind from the lake and the boys after cutting the brush would start removing the sand bluff which it holds together the prevailing wind would probably finish it and break the pocket that the camp is ptiched in. I think it only a question of time, however, when the neighboring recreation park will make the Muskegon site undesireable. Mr. Johnson's survey of the Saugatuck site seems to put that out of consideration.
From my limited experience, I feel that if room could be found at the Waukegan club for a boy's camp more of the demands of such an outfit would be satisfield than in any other location.