Emily Greene Balch to William Jennings Bryan, September 7, 1916


Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation

Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.
Sept. 7, 1916.
Mr. William Jennings Bryan,
Lincoln, Nebr.

My dear Mr. Bryan:

The chief and most immediate aim of the Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, often known as the Stockholm Conference, is to help point the road to a speedy and fair settlement of the present disastrous war. To this end there is a great work to be done toward educating public opinion on international relations and leading to a wider understanding of the real significance of events as they occur.

To this end the Neutral Conference has as correspondents eminent men in different countries who are on the lookout for opportunities to lead and enlighten public opinion.

When the prime minister of one of the belligerent countries makes a pronouncement, or when an American statesman discusses the relation of the United States to other nations, when the terms of a treaty affecting international affairs are indicated in the press, when the moderate minority in a warring country manages in any way to make itself felt, when a proposal is anywhere brought forward for better international organization, or at other suitable moments, these correspondents endeavor to "improve the occasion."

You are invited to act as one of the correspondents of the Neutral Conference in this sense. Acceptance does not imply any pledge but it is hoped that you will endeavor, so far as practicable and following the lines of your special interests and capacities, to utilize opportunities, as they occur, to lead public opinion, whether by a signed letter to the local press or other newspapers open to you, or by editorials, sermons, pamphlets, speeches or otherwise. Copies or notice of any such comments, criticisms, interpretations or proposals of yours should in any case be promptly mailed to the Neutral Conference. The comparison and often the publication of such comment from different countries is very instructive and helpful, and is one of the most important uses to which your efforts can be put.

To its correspondents the Neutral Conference will mail not only selected issues of its own publications but from time to time special information such as it has hitherto supplied to certain embassies and so forth. [page 2] This consists of European news bearing on international relations, derived from public sources but not readily accessible to the American public. The Conference commands an excellent clipping service in addition to the help of friends; for example, it has seventeen Russian newspapers constantly read for it. It is thus able to offer something in return for the service asked -- asked not for itself but for the sake of a speedy, just and lasting peace.

A list of those in the United States to whom this invitation is being sent is enclosed herewith. Will you not suggest additional names if such occur to you?

If you consent to serve as a correspondent kindly signify whether your name may be printed as such or whether you prefer to have your relation to the Conference a purely confidential one.

Hoping that you will be willing to accept the invitation, I am,

Yours faithfully,

Emily Greene Balch [signed]
American Delegate to the Neutral Conference.

Kindly reply to

Miss E. G. Balch, in care Mr. Charles T. Hallinan
Room 641 Munsey Building, Washington, D.C.[page 3]


Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago.
Dr. Felix Adler, New York City.
Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews, Boston, Mass.
Roger W. Babson, Boston, Mass.
Hon. Warren Worth Bailey, M.C., Washington, D.C.
Dante Barton, Industrial Relations Committee, 320 Broadway, New York City
Prof. George H. [Blakeslee], Clark University, Worcester, Mass.
Hon. William E. Borah, United States Senate, Washington D.C.
Randolph Bourne, New York City.
Louis D. Brandeis, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.
Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Chicago, Ill.
William Jennings Bryan, Lincoln, Neb.
Arthur Bullard, New York City.
President Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia University.
Mrs. Gina Campbell, Dell Rapids, S. Dakota.
William L. Chenery, Chicago, Ill.
Stoughton Cooley, Maywood, Ill.
[Wilfrid] Harris [Crook], Cambridge, Mass.
Dr. John Dewey, Columbia University.
Prof. Walter Fairleigh Dodd, University of Chicago.
Max Eastman, New York City.
John English, Boston Traveler, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Joseph Fels, Philadelphia, Pa.
E. A. Filene, Boston, Mass.
Prof. Irving Fisher, Yale University.
Mrs. Malcolm Forbes, Boston, Mass.
Henry Ford, Detroit, Mich.
Prof. Felix [Frankfurter], Harvard University.
Prof. [Ernst] Freund, University of Chicago.
James Cardinal Gibbons, Baltimore, Md.
Bishop David H. Greer, New York City.
President Frank J. Goodnow, Johns Hopkins University.
Charles T. Hallinan, Washington, D.C.
Norman Hapgood, New York City.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Holt, Detroit, Mich.
Hamilton Holt, The Independent, New York City.
George E. Hooker, Chicago, Ill.
Col. E. M. House., Austin, Texas. [page 4]
Alvin S. Johnson, The New Republic, New York City.
Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, Lincoln Centre, Chicago Ill.
Richard Lloyd Jones, The Capital, Madison, Wis.
Dr. David Starr Jordan, Leland Stanford University, Cal.
Paul Kellogg, The Survey, New York City.
Dr. Vernon Kellogg, c/o Herbert C. Hoover, 3 London Wall, London.
Dr. George W. Kirchwey, Columbia University, New York City.
Prof. Edward B. Krehbiel, Leland Stanford University, Cal.
Hon. Robert M. La Follette, United States Senate, Washington, D.C.
Walter Lippmann, The New Republic, New York City.
Rev. Frederick Lynch, Church Peace Union, New York City.
Judge Julian W. Mack, United States Commerce Court, Chicago, Ill.
Prof. George Herbert Mead, University of Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, Boston, Mass.
Dr. John Bassett Moore, New York City.
John H. Moore, 111 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.
Henry Morgenthau, New York City.

Dr. George W. Nasmyth, Boston, Mass.

Fremont Older, Editor, The Bulletin, San [Francisco], Cal.

Mrs. Louis F. Post, Washington D.C.
Prof. Roscoe Pound, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass.
Lucien Price, Boston Globe, Boston, Mass.
John Reed, New York City.
Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson, Denver, Colo.
Prof. Ferdinand Schevill, University of Chicago, Ill.
May Wright Sewall, 225 West 14th St., New York City.
Mrs. V. G. Simkhovitch, 26 Jones St., New York City.
Prof. John W. Slaughter, Extension Dept., University of Pennsylvania.
Hon. James L. Slayden, M.C., Washington D.C.
Oscar S. Straus, New York City.
Hon. Clyde Tavenner, M.C., Washington, D.C.
Carl D. Thompson, Chicago, Ill.

Oswald Garrison Villard, New York Evening Post, New York City.

Lillian D. Wald, Henry Street Settlement, New York City.
William English Walling, New York City.
Frank P. Walsh, Editor, The Post, Kansas City, Mo.
Prof. Eugene Wambaugh, Harvard University.
Arthur L. Weatherly, Lincoln, Neb.
William Allen White, Emporia, Kansas.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York City.
President Mary E. [Woolley], Mount Holyoke College.

Charles [N]. Zueblin, Boston, Mass.

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