Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, August 8, 1916


August 8th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

It seems a long time since we have heard from you. I hope that it means that you are very well and that your time is being given to writing the new book. Everybody is enthusiastic about the Survey articles.

[Today] a committee consisting of Mrs. Wilmarth, Miss McDowell, Miss Breckinridge, the two Abbotts and myself united on Mr. Hughes. Miss Breckinridge, I think, means to write you quite fully about our errand and we are hoping that the papers will give us some notice.

I am enclosing a copy of a letter from California. It was so illegibly written that I did not want to bother you with the original.

I believe that I have always neglected to tell you that the complete minutes of the conference at Stockholm arrived at this office addressed to you. It is quite a large bundle and has the speeches of Dr. Aked, Mr. Barry and everybody else, and I have held it here as the office copy rather than afflict you with it. I am sure you have heard from Miss Balch everything that is of real importance. Please let me know if you would like to have these minutes forwarded to you.

Also, yesterday I found in a pocket of my purse the enclosed sheet of Hull House paper with an address in your hand writing and a $2.00 bill enclosed. I have absolutely no recollection of what was to have been done with this [name]. If the address suggests anything to you, please let me know and I will make tardy reparation. I am sorry that I was careless in this connection. You can see a little green streak which represents the suffering of the two dollar bill during the hot days we have just passed through.

So many people ask about you every where I go. I have been so glad to have good reports, but please send a very definite and extremely good one now in order that I may be sure I am telling the truth about you.

With devoted love,

Miss Jane Addams,
Bar Harbor, Maine.
