40 CENTRAL ST., BOSTON, <Aug 5> 1916
My dear Miss Addams:
It is most interesting to see how the great cataclysm has evoked idealism on every hand. If it loses sight of the more immediate duty of the hour, the fact is not inspiring in general. But I wonder that you whose life is balanced by the daily administration of the most active beneficence and contact with its objects should not have seen the [sequitur] to the plea for the influence of "maternity" in world "politik". Is it not needful that maternity should exist and the maternal instinct be respected, in order to exert beyond the home its peculiar and persuasive effect? Would it not be well for you to [protest?] against the limitations of maternity among the clan whence the influence should proceed with [favor?] from selfishness, weakness, love of care and luxury and a defiance of the laws of God and nature!
I am faithfully yours
Erving Winslow