July 8th, 1916.
My dear Miss Addams:
There was no time in the hurried hours in New York to send you any report of our meeting on Thursday. I had to start immediately back home in order to have [today] here for cleaning up odds and ends in the office before I leave for Madison tomorrow.
The luncheon did not come off exactly as scheduled as it had seemed best not to have Mr. Schiff's name appear in connection with it. The desire is to have a preponderance of pro-ally names on the list which is given to the public. Mr. Schiff, however, is deeply interested and will undoubtedly contribute most generously -- really more generously than anyone else.
Mrs. Villard and Mrs. Andrews were present at the meeting beside myself, -- Miss Shelly and Miss Secor acting in their secretarial capacity. Dr. Lynch was permanent Chairman. Others present were Hamilton Holt, Professor Irving Fisher, Mr. Huebsch, [Mr]. and Mrs. Friedman of Chicago and Mrs. Bertha [Kunz]-Baker. She, I believe, is to be a member of the Committee of One Hundred. She had just been in Washington and had had some exceedingly interesting talks with people there who understand the President's attitude. [Consensus] of opinion seem to be that the President would welcome pressure in connection with a Neutral Conference. Several persons seem to have inside sources of information.
It was finally voted that this Committee of One Hundred should be organized as rapidly as possible and to consist largely of men in different parts of the country and that they should wait upon the President in a body on the first day of August if he is to be in Washington at that time and an interview can be arranged. If not, as soon after the first as possible. At the same time agitation for a Neutral Conference is to be carried on throughout the country and messages and telegrams sent to the President as at the time of Dr. Jordan's interview in November. Miss Shelly had a letter from Mrs. Ford enclosing a copy of a cable which she had received from Mr. Lochner asking that simultaneous meetings be held here to [cooperate] with [demonstrations] in the neutral countries [page 2] of Europe asking for this conference. This whole enterprise will have to be handled from the New York end. I believe that Miss Shelly is to be the permanent Secretary of the Committee of One Hundred and Miss Secor is also to be retained as a sort of assistant or office secretary. Those details were not brought out very clearly, but it all seems to have been definitely agreed upon.
I felt a little silly taking this long trip for one day in New York, but I do think [it was] important that the Woman's Peace Party should have been officially represented.
Mrs. Villard asked especially about you and sent very tender messages. She invited me to go home with her and spend a few days at [Dobbs] Ferry. I was exceedingly sorry that I could not snatch a little rest and quiet there.
The final proof of the report of the meeting [with the] delegates is now ready to go to be [multigraphed]. Miss Breckinridge's notes have been incorporated where ever we thought desirable, also some suggestions from Mrs. Post. I think you will find the final report very [accurate] and satisfactory.
You did not say anything about your own condition in your letter which makes me hope that you are feeling very well. I have mentioned only Mrs. Villard's name in connection with the numberless inquiries made about you in New York. Everybody I saw asked but she was so tender and solicitous that I have singled out her message.
I will send you a little report of my week at Madison.
With devoted love,