Proposed Non Partisan Organization for the Advancement of the
As Proposed by Carl D. Thompson
Tentative Plan of Organization
The following tentative plans for the organization of a national public ownership league are offered only as a basis for a beginning. The plan may be modified and the details must be worked out after those who are interested are brought together in conference.
Purpose of the League: The public ownership and democratic control of public utilities and natural resources.
Nature of the League: Nonpartisan, educational and propaganda.
Membership: Regular members paying each $1 <2.00> a year; contributing members paying $5 a year; sustaining members paying $25 or more a year; affiliated organizations, which may join in a body by paying an annual assessment of not less than $5 a year and 5 cents a member a year for membership over 100.
Features of the work:
(1) A national headquarters, with an executive secretary
(2) An information service [page 2]
(3) Lectures and public ownership campaign
(4) A public and municipal ownership magazine or journal -- with a press service and publications.
This plan of work is such as to enable the League to start with such funds and support as may be secured at once, and to develop as the support and funds increase.
As soon as a sufficient number are enrolled to make it [worthwhile] a call should be issued for a national conference to be held at some central point, at which time the permanent organization could be formed.
Does the idea appeal to you? If so, will you do the following three things:
First: Send us your name and membership fee -- choosing whichever form of membership you can afford.
Second: Get others whom you know to be interested to send in their names and applications.
Third: Send us the names of those whom you know to be interested along these lines but whom you may not have time to see yourself. We shall correspond with them and endeavor to enlist their support.
Yours sincerely,
November, 1915
4131 N. Keeler av., Chicago, Ill.