April 25th, 1916.
My dear Mrs. Weirick:
I take great pleasure in sending you under separate cover a package of material which we have in this office for distribution. We are making no charges for this material but would be glad to have you remit the postage, if you care to do so.
I would call special attention to the Hearing of Miss Addams' before the House Committee on Military Affairs and to the reprint from the Atlantic Monthly, "Radical's Progress."
Are you perhaps a member of the "Central Group" of the Woman's Peace Party in Butte, Montana, of which Mrs. James Floyd Denison is Chairman? If not, perhaps you would like to get in touch with this group and [cooperate] with them. I am sure they would be glad to learn of all people not only in Butte, but in Montana, who are interested in the peace work.
If you would like to have additional copies of any of the pamphlets we have sent you, please let us know and we would be glad to send them to you.
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary