Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Kittybelle Mason Edblom, March 8, 1916


March 8th, 1916.

My dear Mrs. [Edblom]:

Your letter addressed to Miss Addams has been referred to this office and I am very glad to hear that you are contemplating forming a peace circle. I am enclosing a copy of our Constitution, which will show you conditions of membership in the Woman's Peace Party. I think you would come under Affiliated Independent [Organizations], that is, organizations, organized for other purposes, which declare themselves to be in accord with the object of the Woman's Peace Party. Such organizations are called "Groups" and have "Group Membership". Each Group shall acquire and continue Group Membership by paying $5.00 annually into the National Treasury.

I am enclosing to you under separate cover some material in reference to the Woman's Peace Party and which I believe will be of interest to you. I would call special [attention] to the Hearing of Miss Jane Addams' before the House Committee on Military Affairs.

We have several groups in North Dakota, which are very active. We hope to be able to add your group to this list and put another star on our map, showing the affiliated groups and organizations of the Woman's Peace Party in the United States.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary,

Mrs. C. A. [Edblom],
Minot Art Club,
Minot, North Dakota.