My dear Miss [Addams] --
We have a very interesting and enthusiastic little club in Lima and this year we have a very interesting program. On this program I have been given the subject "Social Workers," I realize its importance and how big it is -- so the first thought that [page 2] came into my mind was you and the Woman's Peace Conference at The Hague -- I hope you will not consider this little note of mine presumptuous and that I shall not discommode you but I felt it would bring you and the subject in such close contact with our club if I could have something personal from you. Would it be asking too much if you would give me some of the interesting facts of this Conference and the [worries] of some of the great Social Workers ahead, I do not want this gratis, Miss [Addams] and want to send you any remuneration you may ask.
Hoping I shall not be too great an annoyance I am
Most Sincerely Mrs. Henry S. Enck [signed]