Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, January 30, 1901


January 30, 1901.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House, Chicago

Dear Miss Adams:--

The letter enclosed will explain itself mostly. Mr. [Burlingham] is a rare young man, a graduate of Harvard, a young lawyer temporarily forced into business, a knight of the new order, clean as Sir Galahad and as sensible as Sir Launfal after the latter gentleman came to his senses. He is our editor of "Good Poetry" in UNITY. My only regret is that we have no way at present of putting him in residence at the Helen Heath where we need him, but I am sure that if you have place for him at the Hull House he will serve you well in anything he will undertake, though his modesty will keep him safely near shore. His family is breaking up housekeeping this week and he must find some boarding place. I hear you will not be back until Thursday morning. Will you not on your return, if not too much trouble, call me up on the telephone, Oakland 1102, and give me at least your preliminary answer?

I hope you are flourishing. I am still thanking you for your last contribution to UNITY and waiting for the next one.

By the way, Mr. Kent and I were talking about you the other day. Have you not some articles, already ripe, that you would like to put into pamphlets so that they will be in the market continuously. The Unity Publishing Company would like to consider the publication semi-occasionally of such pamphlets, a dime or 25¢ library on "Applied Sociology" or something like that. Don't tell anybody and don't say not to yourself until you have considered it for a week or two. And then talk to Mr. Kent and myself about it when next you see us.

Hastily but brotherly yours,

Jenkin Lloyd Jones [signed]


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