Harriet Park Thomas to Alice Thacher Post, December 30, 1915


My dear Mrs. Post:

Miss Addams thinks that the second notice for our Annual Meeting should go out before the office closes for the New Year holiday. Consequently we are sending the proof to the printer [today] without waiting for further news from Washington. This notice is to be merely a reminder, and will go out as a postal card, so there is really not room for including any detailed information. As the hour for the Sunday afternoon meeting has never been mentioned, we are assuming that it will be at half-past three o'clock, and are so announcing it on the postal card. That, however, is a matter of insignificance, and should we find that an earlier hour has been arranged for announcement of this can be made at the Saturday evening session and also in the Sunday morning papers. Miss Addams hopes that you will make arrangements to have the work which falls upon you done in as comfortable a fashion as possible. She also asks me to request you to engage or to have engaged an official stenographer for the sessions of our convention.

As soon as Miss Breckinridge returns we will ask her to send you a check for $100.00, upon which you may draw for any expenses for which you wish to pay cash.

[Today] we have received a letter from Mrs. Catt, in which she expresses her regret at not being able to attend the Annual Meeting because her Suffrage Board will be in session in New York on those same dates.

Mrs. Rublee, who has just left Chicago, has insisted that Miss Addams and I be her guests during the convention, and has persuaded Miss Addams that she can be more quiet and secluded in a private home than at the hotel. This has not been definitely settled, but Miss Addams very much inclines towards Mrs. Rublee's invitation.

I wish I were in Washington to help you in some way. It seems as if all the work for this convention were being carried on at your end of the line. Miss Addams and I shall probably arrive two days before the opening of the convention, and I hope you will have some work ready for me when I get there.

Sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Mrs. Louis F. Post,
2513 Twelfth Street,
Washington D.C.