My dear Mrs. Post:
Miss Addams has asked me to tell you that Lady Barlow, a very charming Englishwoman, is in this country and possibly just now in Washington. At any rate she can be reached through this school. Haverford College, Haverford, Pa., where her son is at school. Mrs. Rublee knows her and has suggested her as one of the speakers for the Sunday afternoon meeting. Mrs. Rublee says she is not a great orator, but speaks very well and would do for a short speech. Miss Addams would be pleased if you would write her and ask her to speak. Miss Addams has already had an invitation sent her to the Annual Meeting and invited her to attend all the sessions, if she can make it convenient to do so.
You will be pleased to know that Miss Addams stood her outing yesterday splendidly, and will drive again [today].
I am enclosing the list of state presidents for use on the program.
Sincerely yours,
Executive Secretary.