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Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923)
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Mentioned in (65)
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Elizabeth Glendower Gardiner Evans to Jane Addams, January 27, 1919
Irving Fisher to Jane Addams, October 7, 1920
James Grover McDonald to Christina Merriman, October 22, 1920 (fragment)
Florence Kelley to Jane Addams, November 7, 1920
Marion Benedict Cothren to Jane Addams, November 9, 1920
Warning Hint to Mexico In Harding Talk, November 12, 1920
Christina Merriman to Jane Addams, November 12, 1920
Testimony Before the Committee on Military Affairs, House of Representatives, January 11, 1921
James Bryce to James Grover McDonald, February 7, 1921
Society for Prevention of Cruelty, February 13, 1921
Orleans Woman Starts Humane Work in Mexico, ca. March 1921
James Grover McDonald to Jane Addams, March 8, 1921
Henrietta Octavia Rowland Barnett to Jane Addams, March 9, 1921
James Grover McDonald to Jane Addams, March 9, 1921
The Reparation Problem, March 13, 1921
Ford Hall Forum Speech, April 12, 1921 (excerpt)
Rose Morgan French to Jane Addams, April 25, 1921
Salmon Oliver Levinson to Jane Addams, May 21, 1921
Plan to Outlaw War, May 21, 1921
Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom National Sections and Secretaries, August 31, 1921
Disarmament and Life, September 18, 1921
Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, October 1921
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, United States Section, Bulletin, October 1921
Laura Jayne Buckley to Jane Addams, October 1, 1921
The Attack on War, September 18, 1921
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, October 13, 1921
Maude Slade Odell to Jane Addams, November 1921
General Committee on the Limitation of Armament Declaration and Membership, November 1921
Resolutions by the Delgates of the Biennial Session of the National Council of Women, November 11, 1921
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, December 2, 1921
Emily Greene Balch and Lucia Ames Mead to the Editor of the Washington Post, December 12, 1921
The Significance of the Limitation of Armaments Conference, December 12, 1921 (summary)
Biographical sketch of Louise de Koven Bowen, ca. 1922
Louise de Koven Bowen Biography, 1922
Louise de Koven Bowen Biography, ca. 1922
The Threat of World Starvation, January 12, 1922
The Threat of World Starvation, January 12, 1922
Harry S. Mecartney to Alfred James Balfour, February 5, 1922
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams May 1922
Miss Baer Released From Ellis Island, May 2, 1922
Lucy Biddle Lewis to Jane Addams, June 27, 1922
Proclamation: No More War Day, July 28, 1922
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, September 22, 1922
Emily Greene Balch to Lida Gustava Heymann and Catherine Elizabeth Marshall, September 22, 1922
, October 4, 1923
Amy Woods to Jane Addams, February 23, 1924
Samuel Colcord to Jane Addams, May 10, 1924
Emily Greene Balch to Samuel Colcord, May 21, 1924
Jane Addams et al. to Friend William Richardson, November 3, 1925
The World Court, January 14, 1926
Browse all documents that mention "Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923)"
Warren Gamaliel Harding to Jane Addams, February 20, 1921
Harry S. Mecartney to Warren Gamaliel Harding, February 5, 1922
United States Presidential Election (1920)
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