Feb. 28, 1901.
Miss Jane Addams,
335 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.
My dear Miss Addams;
I am sorry to say that I think it quite impossible to arrange for a lecture by Prince Kropotkin in Madison. I should much like to hear him and to see him, and I hope that I may have an opportunity to make his acquaintance at Hull-House. May I spend a day with you while he is Chicago?
By the way, I have not been able to secure a copy of his "Fields, Factories and Workshops". I wonder why Houghton, Mifflin & Co., have allowed it to go out of print. Possibly it may be well to call his attention to the fact that the supply of the book is exhausted, and that further copies are not being printed.
Mrs. Ely is still in a sanitarium, but gaining slowly. I remain,
Faithfully yours,