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  • Tags: Women

Addams discusses women's empowerment, college training and morality to the graduates of Mount Holyoke College.

An anecdote shared by Addams about judging by looks.

Addams discusses her recent activities, the International Congress of Women and her hope that America joins the League of Nations.

Addams, commenting on the Anglo-Irish peace negotiations, says that women are better at reconciliation than men.

Addams discusses the impact of internationalism on women's lives.

Addams spoke about the roles women are playing in the peace movement to a breakfast meeting in Topeka. The article also details other activities during her trip.

Addams speaks about conditions in Europe, relief efforts and the role of the League of Nations.

Addams gives the example of a Belgian woman who aided Germans after the war as a model for new beginnings.

Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee and Consultative Members, March 1922

Balch updates members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive regarding getting women appointed on commissions of the League of Nations.

Balch tells Addams about efforts to appoint a woman member of the League of Nations health commission.

Balch asks Drummond to consider appointing women to positions at the League of Nations.

Addams describes public opinion in Europe and calls for American aid and engagement by women voters.

Addams argues that it is futile to blame men for the condition of the world.

Marshall tells Glücklich about efforts to hold an international women's congress in collaboration with other women's groups and discusses the possibility of having a peace delegation meet with Mussolini and the Pope.

Addams discusses women's roles in the peace movement and appeals for funds to support delegates to the International Congress of Women.

Pamperl asks Addams to discuss his plan for an emblem that would designate individuals who act in constructive service.

Addams offers Stolberg her impressions after her tour of India, Japan and China.

A draft program for the Sixth Quinquennial Meeting of the International Council of Women, to be held in May 1925.

Addams answers Surles's questionnaire about how she wants Women's International League for Peace and Freedom documents filed and organized in the Washington office.

Catt tells Morrisson about planning for the Conference on Cause and Cure of War, including inviting Addams. She also discusses the attacks on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and her desire that they fight back harder.

Addams writes Hull about the relationship between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and the National Council of Woman and other women's groups.

The Evening Star reports on the strife over the peace movement at the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, February 11, 1925

Glücklich seeks advice from the Committee regarding disputes between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's sections in Czechoslovakia.

Spencer tells Addams about recent confrerence and her sister's medical condition.