Addams' speech to the American Sociological Society argues that social interaction is the key to advancing society. In urban areas, city governments need to provide varied and organized recreations to build community.
The published version of Addams' speech to the American Sociological Society, which argues that social interaction is the key to advancing society. In urban areas, city governments need to provide varied and organized recreations to build community.
Addams participated in a tribute dinner to Mary Augusta Ward, held by the Playground Association of America. The event was held on March 31, 1908, at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where Addams discussed the need for play, art, and creativity, and warns that without such outlets men will fall to drink and immoral behavior. She highlighted the lack of healthy entertainments, especially for young women. The speech was published in April in The Playground, a monthly journal of the Playground Association of America.
Addams argues for the creation of entertainments for urban dwellers for recreation and relaxation. This is an excerpt of Addams' speech, Public Recreation and Social Morality.
Addams gave this speech at the first meeting of the Playground Association of America, held in Chicago, June 20, 1907. She spoke on the importance of play in the life of industrial and urban societies. The speech was published in August in Charities and the Commons.
Addams testifies before the Board of Local Improvements in opposition to the widening of Halsted Street because of its potential impact upon Hull-House.