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The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Swedish Section calls on women to use their influence for world peace.
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Also known as Address to the Annual Meeting of the United States Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, April 28, 1925

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America.

Post sends Addams some corrections in her Survey article regarding the purchase of the Virgin Islands.

Alley denies allegations that the American government has forestalled the repatriation of prisoners of war in Siberia.

Adee confirms that the American Young Men's Christian Association has never offered to repatriate prisoners of war.

Woods updates the group on the progress of having the Pan-American Committee bill introduced into the Congressional Record.

Woods sends Addams a tentative schedule for the International Congress of Women.

Also known as Amy Woods to Jane Addams, November 13, 1924

Woods tells the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section her version of events leading to her intended resignation as National Secretary.

Woods asks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section to approve Addams's statement regarding American-Japanese foreign policy and the pending immigration law.

Woods updates Baber on efforts to have Senators read the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's resolutions into the Congressional Record.

Spencer tells Addams about the work of the American section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in detail.

Spencer tells Addams her concerns about Women's International League for Peace and Freedom activities and fundraising for the 1924 International Congress of Women.

Ploennis asks Addams for help raising relief funds for employees of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.

Coolidge writes Stewart in support of the work of the National Illiteracy Crusade.

Coolidge writes Stewart in support of the work of the National Illiteracy Crusade.

Wood asks former colleagues to help E. von Gaisberg secure a charitable job.

Marshall argues that disarmament will reduce military spending and urges delegates to the Washington Conference to work towards peace

Karaveloff tells Addams that the grief over the death of her grandson while she was in America had delayed her sending thanks for hospitality.

Macmillan writes Addams regarding the League of Nations and compulsory testing and treatment for venereal disease.

Woods tells Speer that he considers the Japanese Exclusion Act a disaster for the United States.

Apcar tells Addams about the persecution of Armenian and Assyrian Christians perpetrated by the British and French.

Detzer updates Addams on efforts to meet with government officials about the situation in Haiti, the American Legion, and other affairs of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Washington office.

Detzer updates Addams on her protesting a bill in Congress.

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