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  • Tags: United States
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Addams updates Lloyd on efforts to secure citizenship for Rosika Schwimmer.

Addams tells Page that she must resign from the League for Independent Political Action and reports on her vote for Hoover.

Fernandes critiques the United States's position on the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Barnett asks Addams her opinion on a monument on Bunker Hill to English-American friendship.

Nunn interviews Barnett on the radio about her plans to build a memorial on Bunker Hill.

Wickersham asks Addams' opinion on keeping the Committee's goals the same.

The Jefferson Election seeks nominations for a pilgrimage to Washington to celebrate the Declaration of Independence.

The Foundation lays out the procedures for its celebration of the Centennial of the Declaration of Independence.

Detzer updates Addams on her protesting a bill in Congress.

Addams urges Calvin Coolidge to advocate for the abolition of conscription at the Arms Conference to be held in Geneva.

Detzer updates Addams on efforts to meet with government officials about the situation in Haiti, the American Legion, and other affairs of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Washington office.

Ramondt-Hirschmann describes her long visit in the United States and what she learned of the peace movement there.

Coolidge writes Stewart in support of the work of the National Illiteracy Crusade.

Coolidge writes Stewart in support of the work of the National Illiteracy Crusade.

Addams describes the negative perception of the United States abroad.

Addams refuses Detzer's request to head a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegation to the White House.

McClatchy tells Gulick that the California Joint Immigration Committee will oppose the Wickersham plan to open visas for Japan in 1927.

Dodd tells Addams that he doubts that any plan to develop a more kindly and rational foreign policy will not work.

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America. This was a speech given on April 28, 1925 at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section meeting.
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Also known as Address to the Annual Meeting of the United States Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, April 28, 1925

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America.

Tilton asks the public to give prohibition more than five years before deeming it a failure.

Herron tells Addams that he fears that a group of American politicians want to destroy the League of Nations and seeks some ideas about how to support it.

Addams asks Coolidge to veto efforts to limit Japanese immigration to the United States.

The Herald reports on Cornelia Parker's lecture at the Ford Hall Forum, which supports Jane Addams against the accusations of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Evans tells Addams that she is leaving as secretary of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's British Section and seeks jobs in the United States dealing with peace.

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