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  • Tags: United States
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Shadburne updates Addams about peace work between American women and Mexican women.

Also known as James Grover McDonald to the Executive Committee of the Foreign Policy Association, August 10, 1921

McDonald asks for advice on a letter to Mexican presiden Alvaro Obregón.

McDonald drafts a proposal to Mexican president Obregón suggesting ways to improve relations with the United States.

Gompers tells the Central Labor Union how the American Federation of Labor plans to act on Armistice Day.

Marshall argues that disarmament will reduce military spending and urges delegates to the Washington Conference to work towards peace

Balch writes Addams regarding forgiveness for Austrian war debts.

Balch asks the New York Times to support efforts to have the United States postpone Austrian war debts until the country is back on its feet.

Dodd suggests some ideas to Addams about a chapter of the manuscript for Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Addams urges her audience to support the United States entry to the League of Nations.

Addams spoke on America's role in international relief efforts and about the work done at Hull House.

Post sends Addams some corrections in her Survey article regarding the purchase of the Virgin Islands.

Addams argues that the United States should offer economic and humanitarian aid to starving Europe.

Also known as James Grover McDonald to Foreign Policy Association National Council, April 28, 1922

McDonald sends Addams a draft letter regarding a loan to the Dominican Republic.

McDonald asks Hughes about bonds issued by Santo Domingo that are backed by the United States Government.

A letter to the editor that describes the anti-British content of the "Hymn of Hate," recently published in Peyam Sabah in Angora.

Wood asks former colleagues to help E. von Gaisberg secure a charitable job.

Balch tells Hughes the circumstance of her making an erroneous statement about Austrian war debts.

Snow tells Addams that it is likely that the United States will send an official observer to the League of Nations.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Swedish Section calls on women to use their influence for world peace.

Addams addresses a peace meeting and argues that in order for Europe to recover economically, the peace treaty must be revised; she also argues that the United States should and will join the League of Nations.

A pamphlet describes a plan for the women of Wales to work with the women of the United States for peace.

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