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  • Tags: Recreation
  • Item Type: Text
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Addams speaks about the benefits of public parks to the community. The remarks were published on July 2, 1908.
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An essay collected from Addams' writings on children, child labor, and recreational opportunities in the city.

A compilation of Addams' writings on reducing child labor, and increasing playgrounds and education for working-class children.
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Addams offers a memorial to Joseph Tilton Bowen and describes the creation of the Hull-House country club named after him.

Pond writes to Bowen regarding a bequest from the Schwabacher family for a summer camp to be operated in conjunction with the University of Chicago Settlement.

Newspaper report of Addams' speech on the need for entertainments among the poor in Chicago. The speech was given for the Sunday Evening Club.
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Addams' Presidential Address at the National Conference on Charities and Correction, held in St. Louis on May 19-26. Addams reviews the history of charity work and the challenges ahead. She gives examples from her experiences at Hull-House and others.
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Addams discusses the work of the League for the Protection of Children, formed to advocate for the well being of children in Chicago. The comments were made during the National Education Association meeting.

Addams and Edward Dunne speak on Chicago's capacity to fund recreation and park spaces.

Addams praises the new park established in Dayton and is drowned out by children's excitement.

DeGroot writes Addams about his resignation from the South Park Systems.

Barnett argues against a plan of redeveloping Bunker Hill in England into housing.

Addams spoke to the Reading Chamber of Commerce on the role that the United States could play in reducing the humanitarian crisis in Europe.

Bellamy asks Addams for suggestions on Cleveland's plan to develop a parks and recreation department.

Taylor tells Addams on about the success of summer programs at the Chicago Commons Farm Camp and seeks help fundraising for it.

Taylor discusses finances and plans for summer camps for Hull-House boys and girls.

Hoover acknowledges Addams's letter and sends it to the Executive Chairman of the Committee on Outdoor Recreation.

Addams and Marshall discuss play's positive effect on young children.

Addams talks with a Kansas City Star reporter about increased political participation, recreation in cities and her work as garbage collector in Chicago.

Addams discusses the effects of the war on young girls and women, efforts to ban German-language newspapers, and food conservation efforts.

Addams asks Blaine for a donation to the Hull-Hull-House Outing Fund. The letter, which probably went out to numerous others, was sent while Addams was abroad.

Lathrop tells Addams that there was a demand to prepare a pamphlet regarding playgrounds in the District of Columbia.

Addams argues that if children have a chance to play outside they are less likely to become criminals.

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