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Ewing tells Addams that Helen Culver is willing to underwrite the costs of William Thomas's book on ill-will between the races if Addams and others will promote the work.

Fay tells Stetson about the publication of the Spider-Web as a means to spread word about Addams.

Detzer cables Addams that the bulletins have not arrived but she hopes to have them today.

Detzer asks Addams to write an appeal letter for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's members to raise funds.

Detzer asks Addams for help writing a history of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Evans asks Balch if Kathleen Innes can write a report for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's British Section about the League of Nations.

Balch suggests to Addams that printing the International Congress of Women proceedings in three volumes by language is better than one with all three languages.

Armes thanks Addams for her stories about Theodore Roosevelt and asks for additional accounts of her meetings with him.

Post lists receipts and expenses incurred in printing the reports of the International Congress of Women.

The Foreign Policy Association describes the work of its research department and promotes membership.

Rochester reviews Marcelle Capy's L'Amour Roi.

Wickersham asks Addams to help fund a project to send out pamphlets on American relations with Japan and Sidney Gulick's book on the Far East.

Swanwick tells Addams that she cannot write the pamphlet Addams asked, because she has taken over editing Foreign Affairs after the death of E. D. Morel.

McDonald asks Addams for help promoting a publication of documents on Russian-American relations.

Addams tells Hull that she thinks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section should contribute towards the costs of the Pax International.

Addams telegrams Post to delay publication of the Report on the International Congress of Women to include more information on the British Section.

Addams tells Post that she does not want financial reports in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom bulletin.

Addams tells Woods about Women's International League for Peace and Freedom finances and memberships to help fund the international work.

Addams updates Woods on the plan to use international funds to cover postage for the International Congress of Women reports.

Addams write notes on Woods's letter, providing answers to her questions about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's reports, finances, and memberships.

Addams replies in the margins to Woods, providing her views on peace conferences and publications.

Addams writes Woods regarding Women's International League for Peace and Freedom funding and the distribution of reports of the International Congress of Women.

Addams advises Wood on publication plans for Summer School pamphlets and the purchase of a cabinet for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom office.

Addams tells Woods about the plans for publication and repaying the National for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Congress expenses.

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