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  • Tags: Literature
  • Item Type: Text

Schwartz asks for Addams's opinion on her plan to give lectures about her father, Maarten Maartens, in the United States.

Addams thanks Johnson for sending her a book on spirituals.

Post sends subscribers of the John Altgeld biography a final report on its progress.

Jordan applauds Addams's book Peace and Bread in Time of War.

Haldeman-Julius sends Addams some writings and tells of her family life.

Buckley asks Addams to come discuss the upcoming disarmament conference in Washington.

Courtney missed seeing Addams and sends her a book written by her husband.

Addams thanks Baker for sending her a copy of his book, What Wilson Did at Paris, and hopes to meet him in Chicago.

Barbusse announces the creation of Clarté, a group of writers and artists, seeking political and social change.

Karsten sends Gamble the report of the International Congress of Women.

Manny praises Addams's "The Long Road of Women's Memory", and suggests that it will be useful in education.

Thomas mails Addams several reports and lists the parts of the Annul Report that are being compiled. Thomas also asks Addams not to dismiss her, after she made a serious error.

Karsten sends Ralston a pamphlet by Wales and a testimony from Addams that she believes Ralston will find useful.

Leek had previously asked for information about preparedness, so the Woman's Peace Party sent various literature on the subject.

Glasgow needed information on preparedness, so the Woman's Peace Party sent him several pieces of literature on the topic.

Dorman had previously requested materials on "preparedness" as a strategy and the Woman's Peace Party has sent him information on the issue.

Hyers writes to Cory for Addams, explaining that Cory should expect the arrival important literature, like copies of the Manifesto.

Addams is pleased to read Gale's manuscript and invites her to Maine.

Addams asks Haldeman for a copy of the story she has written and sends hopes that she will see her soon.
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In 1894, Addams gave a speech to the Chicago Woman's Club and the Twentieth Century Club about the Pullman strike. The speech was not published until 18 years later, in the November 1912 Survey. In it, she draws comparisons between the key players in the strike, particularly George Pullman, and Shakespeare's dysfunctional royal family.
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Also known as Ethical Survivals in the Pullman Strike

Addams' 1894 talk on the Pullman strike was only published in 1912 in the Survey. She analyzes the strike, drawing comparisons between George Pullman and his workers, and Shakespeare's King Lear and Cordelia.


A short article praising Woodberry's writing and his entry into the the Academicians' Department of Literature.

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