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  • Tags: League of Nations

The press releases information about Kathleen Innes' book The Story of the League of Nations, written for a young audience.

Detzer sends Addams information on Kathleen Innes's book on the League of Nations.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, February 11, 1925

Glücklich seeks advice from the Committee regarding disputes between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's sections in Czechoslovakia.

Addams tells the questions that Americans asked her while she was abroad.

Hymans asks his colleagues whether they should include women's organizations in their Advisory Committee on Traffic in Women and to the Protection of Children.

Spencer tells Addams about her trip to Europe and the many meetings she has attended.

Shishmanova tells Balch about communist activity that is destabilizing Bulgaria and asks her to come visit to see it herself.

Herron tells Addams that he fears that a group of American politicians want to destroy the League of Nations and seeks some ideas about how to support it.

Dodd tells Addams that he doubts that any plan to develop a more kindly and rational foreign policy will not work.

Addams sends White a letter from George Herron about the troubles of the League of Nations and asks for his opinion of the plan.

Addams sends Dodd a letter from George Herron asking for help for the League of Nations.

Addams sends Blaine a letter from George Herron asking for help for the League of Nations.

Glücklich tells Ashby that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will send Chrystal Macmillan to be their representative to the League of Nations' International Law Committee.

Glücklich recommends to Hamilton-Gordon that Chrystal Macmillan serve as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's delegate to the League of Nations committee.

Glücklich sends Addams letters she wrote regarding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's participation in League of Nations' committees.

Addams offers Balch her suggestions for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates to the League of Nations and issues to be discussed at the Executive Committee meeting.

Addams spoke about the United States and the League of Nations to the Community Church in Shanghai.

Addams addresses a peace meeting and argues that in order for Europe to recover economically, the peace treaty must be revised; she also argues that the United States should and will join the League of Nations.

A summary of Addams's activities in Shanghai from May 3 through 10.

Addams describes public opinion in Europe and calls for American aid and engagement in the League of Nations.