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  • Tags: Italy
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Also known as The Church and the Social Problem, September 25, 1901

Addams recalls the different difficulties in creating an inviting and educational space for Italian immigrants.
REEL 47_1804.jpg

Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.

Addams discusses the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.

A draft of Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.

Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.

Haldeman writes Addams about her travels in Italy.

Kellogg sends word to the Survey's National Council about how the Red Cross is using Paul Kellogg's Venice article.

Urie tells Balch that the peace movement in Italy is foundering.

Marshall tells Glücklich about efforts to hold an international women's congress in collaboration with other women's groups and discusses the possibility of having a peace delegation meet with Mussolini and the Pope.

Boynton updates Addams on her time at Maison Internationale and her travels through Italy.

Balch updates Addams on plans for the International Congress of Women and other Women's International League for Peace and Freedom activities.

Hobhouse tells Balch her impressions of the likelihood of building a pacifist movement in Italy.

Hobhouse apologizes to Addams for not being able to attend the International Congress of Women at The Hague, but she will continue to advocate for peace in Italy.

Hobhouse tells Addams about conditions in Italy and her family's health problems.

Speranza hopes Addams will take the time to meet with the new acting Counsul General of Italy for Chicago as he is interested in "sociological questions".

Dudley recounts her time in Assisi, Italy, and praises Addams' book, Democracy and Social Ethics.

Linn writes Addams a detailed accounting of his trip to Italy.

Addams writes Smith about her visit to Atlantic City, New Jersey, and offers news about activities, including a visit with Smith's mother.

Addams sends Linn a postcard and tells of her stay with the Uries in Italy.

Addams writes Haldeman about her travels in Italy.

Addams updates Haldeman about her travels in Italy.

Addams writes Haldeman about her travels in Italy.

Gobat tells Addams about her visit with Carolyn Urie and plans for the summer school.

Also known as Marguerite Gobat to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee, October 22, 1921

Gobat asks Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee members for opinions on holding three Summer Schools for 1922.

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