Speranza hopes Addams will take the time to meet with the new acting Counsul General of Italy for Chicago as he is interested in "sociological questions".
Hobhouse apologizes to Addams for not being able to attend the International Congress of Women at The Hague, but she will continue to advocate for peace in Italy.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts of women to conserve food.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.
Addams discusses the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.
A draft of Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.
Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.