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  • Tags: Italy
  • Item Type: Text

Hobhouse tells Addams about conditions in Italy and her family's health problems.

Addams spoke to the Academy of Political and Social Science in support of the League of Nations and its mandate system. Her talk was part of a group of papers on the Treatment of Backwards Peoples in a World Organization, and a sub-topic of The System of Mandates and the Obligations of Mandatories in the Existing League of Nations.

Addams spoke to the Academy of Political and Social Science in support of the League of Nations and its mandate system. Her talk was part of a group of papers on the Treatment of Backwards Peoples in a World Organization, and a sub-topic of The System of Mandates and the Obligations of Mandatories in the Existing League of Nations.

Addams sends Linn a postcard and tells of her stay with the Uries in Italy.

Also known as Marguerite Gobat to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee, October 22, 1921

Gobat asks Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee members for opinions on holding three Summer Schools for 1922.

Glücklich offers Balch her aid in running the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Summer School in Italy.

Gobat tells Addams about her visit with Carolyn Urie and plans for the summer school.

Marshall tells Glücklich about efforts to hold an international women's congress in collaboration with other women's groups and discusses the possibility of having a peace delegation meet with Mussolini and the Pope.

Gobat updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's office and the League of Nations meetings.

Boynton updates Addams on her time at Maison Internationale and her travels through Italy.

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