17 results
- Tags: Illinois
- Item Type: Text
Address of Miss Jane Addams at the Funeral of Mary Jane Hawes Wilmarth, August 30, 1919
Addams gives a eulogy that highlights Wilmarth's good deeds.
Charles Allen Prosser to Edwin Gilbert Cooley, September 30, 1912
Prosser gives Cooley feedback and approval of a law that Cooley has written to found vocational schools in Illinois.
Child Labor on the Stage, July 1911
A published version of Addams' lecture on March 11 at the National Child Labor Committee Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, in which she presents arguments against an exception to the 1903 Illinois Child Labor Law for child actors and offers some Tolstoyan allegory to buttress her arguments.
Frederick H. Rowe to Jane Addams, February 13, 1901
Rowe, the secretary for Illinois Governor Richard Yates Jr., writes to acknowledge receiving Addams' letter regarding Florence Kelley, and to arrange a meeting in Springfield.
Illinois Vigilance Association, May 2, 1921
A description of the Illinois Vigilance Association's new campaign.
Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, May 2, 1921
Addams asks Blaine to support a campaign to defeat an Illinois law that would loosen restrictions on child labor.
Jane Addams to Ellery Sedgwick, June 28, 1922
Addams writes Sedgwick about Archibald Bowen's article on psychiatric care in Illinois.
Jane Addams to Waldo Ralph Browne, March 9, 1922
Addams tells Browne stories about John Altgeld for a biography he is writing.
Jane Addams to William Frank Persons, February 20, 1912
Addams writes Persons about the limitations of a new Illinois law to provide aid for poor parents with children.
Senate Bill #344 Should Be Defeated Because, May 2, 1921
An argument for the defeat of an Illinois bill that would loosen restrictions on child labor.
Stage Life for Children Seen as Full of Dangers, March 8, 1911
Addams makes a reasoned argument against a bill in the Illinois State Senate that would make child actors exmept from the provision of the 1903 Illinois Child Labor Law.
Statement on Illinois State Senate Bill 233 (Child Actor Bill), March 8, 1911
Addams led a contingent to oppose efforts to exclude child actors from child labor laws. She testified before the State Senate committee considering the bill, along with Will J. Davis (speaking for the bill), Mrs. Coonley-Ward, Mrs. A. T. Aldrich, Margaret Halsey, and Anna Nichols.
Testimony Before State Judicial Committee on Child Labor, April 13, 1905 (excerpts)
Addams testifies that the system of child labor destroys genius, and how work on the stage damages children.
Touching the Human Side of Things, May 1921
A clipping that discusses the work of the Illinois Vigilance Association.
Voting Reminder, ca. August 1912
A reminder to register to vote and listing of candidates for the trustees of the State University, an election which Illinois women were allowed to vote. Also includes biographical information about the candidates.
Widows and Courts: Administering the Funds to Parents Act, March 18, 1914
Addams questions the process of how pension funds are being distributed to needing families and how it needs to be handled better while criticizing the city of Chicago's government for not doing enough to help the poor.
Widows and Courts: Administering the Funds to Parents Act, March 18, 1914
Addams questions the process of how pension funds are being distributed to needing families and how it needs to be handled better while criticizing the city of Chicago's government for not doing enough to help the poor.
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