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  • Tags: Food Shortages
  • Item Type: Text

Addams argues for peace and international understanding to help bring Europe out of the devastation of war.
REEL 47_1589.jpg

In this speech, Addams tells the alumnae of the University of Michigan at the Chicago College club, how they can help with the food shortage crisis by conserving food and understanding the production of food.

Eastman asks Addams if the New York branch of the Woman's Peace Party can respond with sympathy to the German women's appeal.

Jordan asks Addams for copies of her interviews with European leaders.

Rickard asks Addams to help the government's food administration work.

Karsten asks for information on a dehydration plant the company hopes to sell.

Karsten asks Fox for information about a dehydration plant.

Karsten tells Richardson that Addams will be working for Hoover's Food Administration Department over the winter.

Balch sends Addams an appeal for food relief for Germany and Austria.

Balch tells Addams how they are seeking to mitigate complaints in Austria about holding the Congress in a place where people are starving.

Balch sends Addams a copy of the report she is sending to the London Economic Conference.

Balch sends Addams information about the milk shortage in Europe.

Balch tells Addams about her activities for peace and European relief.

Balch sends Addams an appeal from Austrian women.

Hobhouse tells Hamilton of her poor health and of the relief efforts in Europe.

Hobhouse describes hunger as a result of the war in Leipzig, Germany, and asks Addams for relief funds for children there.

Hobhouse writes Addams about relief for children in Leipzig, Germany, children.

Leaf sends Addams literature (not found) on the work of the Fight the Famine Council.

Reichmann invites Addams to a speech on Russian relief efforts.

Also known as Significance of the Washington Conference, November 20, 1921 (excerpts)

Addams discusses her impressions of Europe and the Washington Naval Conference at two speeches in St. Louis.

Excerpt from a news report about anticipated food shortages in Europe.

Also known as Speech to the Rochester City Club, February 19, 1921 (excerpts)

Addams argued that America needs to offer humanitarian help to Europe.
Feed the World and Save the League, November 24, 1920_003.jpg

Addams argues that international organizations should include humanitarian goals as well as political ones in order to win public support. This was also given as a speech to the Labor Forum in Detroit on Nov. 28, 1920.

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