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  • Tags: Food Shortages
  • Item Type: Text

Vian asks Addams to help her raise funds for the needy in Salzburg during the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School.

Davis and Judson send Addams an appeal for assistance in feeding the Caucasus.

A report of a soup kitchen opened in Dusseldorf, Germany by the French Army to meet the needs of the German people.

Hobhouse reports on the health of children in Leipzig schools.

Balch tells Addams how they are seeking to mitigate complaints in Austria about holding the Congress in a place where people are starving.

Also known as Speech to the Rochester City Club, February 19, 1921 (excerpts)

Addams argued that America needs to offer humanitarian help to Europe.

Addams spoke to the Reading Chamber of Commerce on the role that the United States could play in reducing the humanitarian crisis in Europe.

Hobhouse tells Hamilton of her poor health and of the relief efforts in Europe.

Kessler sends Addams his "True League of Nations" and a pamphlet on famine in Berlin (not found).
Feed the World and Save the League, November 24, 1920_003.jpg

Addams argues that international organizations should include humanitarian goals as well as political ones in order to win public support. This was also given as a speech to the Labor Forum in Detroit on Nov. 28, 1920.

Barnett informs Addams about a change of plans regarding American aid to Germany.

Schusz thanks Addams for the food relief she sent through the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Merriman thanks Addams for the Fight the Famine pamphlets.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

Addams argues that to reach a popular audience, the League of Nations should make a dramatic and practical step to undertake feeding the world's hungry. The speech was given to the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.

John Szlupas writes Jane Addams in regards to his movement to improve education in Eastern Europe.

Leaf sends Addams literature (not found) on the work of the Fight the Famine Council.

Haskell informs Near East Relief on the current state of the Armenian relief effort.

Misař thanks Addams for relief packages and details who they were given to.

The Russian Patriarch, Tikhon, pleads with the American people to help feed their children.

Addams relates the purpose of social work with efforts to feed starving children in Europe. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work, in New Orleans.

Addams relates the purpose of social work with efforts to feed starving children in Europe. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work, in New Orleans.

Müller asks Addams to send food relief packages to her and other peace activists in Vienna.

Meyer thanks Addams for her concern, provides on update on the famine situation in Zurich, and requests aid for relief efforts.

Addams makes the case for European relief to save starving children.

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