138 results
- Tags: Food Shortages
- Item Type: Text
Patriotism and Pacifists, April 30, 1917 (excerpt)
Addams declares that the Unites States should continue to distribute aid to countries they are at war with.
Suggestions for Work in War Time, May 1917
The Chicago branch of the Woman's Peace Party suggests that pacifists work on food conservation, child welfare, better conditions for soldiers, a defense of civil rights and plans for financing the war.
Gregory Perkins to Jane Addams, May 1, 1917
Perkins urges Addams to work against the control of the food supply by stock exchanges.
Kemmie B. Fidler Slade to Jane Addams, May 1, 1917
Slade praises Addams' her recent comments on Germany's food scarcity.
Secretary to Jane Addams to Gregory Perkins, May 7, 1917
Addams thanks Perkins for his letter on food supply shortages.
Labor as a Factor in the Newer Conception of Internationalism, May 31, 1917
Addams argues for the protection of migrant laborers and food supplies and discusses the different outlook that the working class have towards war. The speech was prepared for the National Conference on Foreign Relations of the United States.
Labor as a Factor in the Newer Conception of Internationalism, May 31, 1917 (draft)
Addams drafts her arguments for the protection of migrant laborers, food supplies, and discusses the different outlook that the working class have towards war. The speech was prepared for the National Conference on Foreign Relations of the United States.
Labor as a Factor in the Newer Conception of Internationalism, May 31, 1917
Addams argues for the protection of migrant laborers and food supplies, and discusses the different outlook that the working class has towards war. The speech was prepared for the National Conference on Foreign Relations of the United States.
Sturtevant Vegetable Dryers, June 1917
B. F. Sturtevant Company explains the benefits of vegetable dryers.
And Now Arlington Is to Have a Community Plant for Dehydrating Foods, June 5, 1917
Harney reports on the establishment of a dehydrating plant in Massachusetts.
Jennie B. Dickie to Jane Addams, June 12, 1917
Dickie supports Addams' views on food shortages for women and children during war.
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to B. F. Sturtevant Co., June 14, 1917
Karsten asks for information on a dehydration plant the company hopes to sell.
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Esther Taber Fox, June 14, 1917
Karsten asks Fox for information about a dehydration plant.
Jane Addams to Christian Sihler, June 18, 1917
Addams sends Sihler an article on feeding starving children during the war.
Edgar Rickard to Jane Addams, August 11, 1917
Rickard asks Addams to help the government's food administration work.
Jane Addams to Herbert Hoover, August 17th, 1917
Addams tells Hoover that she will give an address on food conservation.
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Sarah Morgan Curry Richardson, August 23, 1917
Karsten tells Richardson that Addams will be working for Hoover's Food Administration Department over the winter.
Ray Lyman Wilbur to Jane Addams, August 24, 1917
Wilbur thanks Addams for agreeing to lecture for the Food Administration at an upcoming conference in Michigan.
Conservation of the World's Food Supply, November 3, 1917
In this speech, Addams tells the alumnae of the University of Michigan at the Chicago College club, how they can help with the food shortage crisis by conserving food and understanding the production of food.
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations.
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts of women to conserve food.
The World's Food Supply and Woman's Obligation, May 3, 1918
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
The World's Food and World Politics, May 16, 1918
Addams critiques the prioritization of commerce over charity and describes the work of the United States Food Administration. Addams also describes her concern for food insecurity and the importance American farmers have in feeding the world. Addams gave the speech at the National Conference of Social Work.
The World's Food and World Politics, May 18, 1918
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into efforts to bring food security to larger populations. Addams gave this speech at the National Conference of Social Work.
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