12 results
- Tags: Feminism
- Item Type: Text
Women and Public Housekeeping, March 1915
Addams, argues for woman suffrage claiming that municipal matters are directly related to their traditional responsibilities.
The Larger Aspects of the Woman's Movement, November 1914
Addams details the many reasons why it is important that women be given the right to vote, and of how the suffrage movement is not just found in Western nations, but globally.
Statement on Women Running for Political Office, March 15, 1914 (excerpt)
Addams responds to suggestions that she run for Mayor of Chicago by indicating that she feels women do not have the experience to serve in political offices.
Resolutions, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, April 1918
The Association of Collegiate Alumnae proposed various ways in which women may be included in the war effort and maintain ranks alongside men, primarily as nurses but as other medical specialists as well.
Jane Addams to Irene Osgood, July 8, 1909
Addams invites Osgood to attend a meeting with some of the women of the International Council of Women in Chicago.
Jane Addams on the Suffrage Cause, April 17, 1915
Addams argues the point that women need the right to vote in all national affairs to force the issue of peace, and to help prevent future wars from happening.
Interview with Edward Marshall, July 11, 1915
Addams talks with New York Times reporter Edward Marshall about World War I and the efforts of the International Council of Women to start peace negotiations.
Edward William Bok's Interview Questions, 1912
Bok's questions for a series of interviews with Jane Addams and other prominent women are intended to find an explanation for women's "unrest" and the factors that have led to their discontent.
Congressional Testimony on Woman Suffrage, December 3, 1913
Testimony of Addams and Anna Shaw before a Congressional Committee on Rules regarding woman's suffrage.
As I See Women, August 1915
Addams gives an interview on the state of women in America.
Address of Miss Jane Addams at the Funeral of Mary Jane Hawes Wilmarth, August 30, 1919
Addams gives a eulogy that highlights Wilmarth's good deeds.
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