33 results
- Tags: Civil Rights
- Item Type: Text
Prison Labor and Prisoners Families, January 7, 1913
Addams likens prison labor camps to slavery and discusses how unpaid prison labor impacts the families of the inmates.
Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, January 10, 1912
Addams invites Blaine to a meeting with Mary Ovington to help plan the conference for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Theodore Roosevelt to Jane Addams, October 31, 1911
Roosevelt compliments Addams's article in McClure's, which argues that woman's suffrage will lift up women from vice. But he also offers a caution that women's suffrage could fail to impart real change as suffrage failed to impart real change for African Americans in the South.
Why Women Should Vote, March 30, 1911
In the final installment of "Why Women Should Vote," Addams highlights why women need the ballot and argues that woman suffrage is centuries overdue and necessary for women to protect themselves.
Arthur Piper Kellogg to Charles Read Nutter, June 24, 1910
Kellogg sends a list of authors and subjects for a book and includes Addams' article "Charity and Social Justice."
Call for a Lincoln Conference on the Negro Question, February 13, 1909
Addams is one of a number of people who sign a call for a conference to examine the situation of African-Americans since emancipation. Various versions of the call appeared in newspapers across the country.
Mary White Ovington to Jane Addams, January 10, 1903
Ovington proposes establishing a settlement to work with African-Americans in New York and asks Addams' advice.
Statement on Abraham Isaak, September 10, 1901
Newspaper coverage of Addams' statements involving her interest in the case of anarchist Abraham Isaak.
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