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  • Tags: Internationalism

Hamilton discusses her feelings about the International Congress of Woman and the peace work that followed.

Hamilton tells Bowen about the trips she and Addams have made for the peace movement.

Hamilton details the various reactions of women from European countries to Addams' lectures.

Post tells Balch about the problems of obtaining passports to Europe.

Thacher informs Addams that the U.S. Departments of State and Justice saw no issue in conferring with German women. She also discuss potential dates for the Women's Congress and obtaining passports to travel to the Congress.

Post discusses traveling to Europe with Addams, and worries that she might not be of much use.

Post praises Addams for her speech, claiming that it exactly expresses her beliefs about the war.

Post opines on the People's Council, changing the name of the Woman's Peace Party, and an upcoming Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting.

Also known as American Baptist Missionary Union Also known as American Baptist Foreign Mission Society

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Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.

Addams discusses the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.

A draft of Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.

Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.

Hollins proposes a daily international newspaper to counter what she sees as overt militarism and sensationalism in the media.

Spencer tells Addams that she won't be able to attend the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section meeting in New Orleans and details her plans for the meeting and suggestions to take on the chairmanship.

Spencer tells Addams about the work of the American section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in detail.

Adelswärd addresses the issue of territorial annexation.

Hull sent Addams a survey on her views on the annexation of territories.

An announcement of the Third International Congress of Women and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School.

The Association lays out its goals and lists its board.

Marshall explains the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's role in relief efforts, asking to be allowed to participate in the Conference on Russian Relief and to help spread word about the appeal for help.