98 results

  • Mentions: Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie (1877-1963)

Chick tells Duchêne that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's British Section meant to recommend a plan for a visit to China and has been misunderstood.
Needs Review


Addams invites Taussig to stay at Hull-House and discusses other meetings.

The League meets to discuss its efforts to assist the League of Nations Assembly.

Addams sends Martin a note from Madeleine Doty.

Addams sends Hull two letters to send to Madeleine Doty (not found).

Detzer updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's memberships, donations and plans for the meetings of the United States Section.

Addams tells Doty that she thinks they can afford only $1,000 for traveling costs for delegates to the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Duchêne tells Courtney about the the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom plans to visit China.

Blake asks Addams to appoint Alice Park an American delegate to the International Congress of Women.

Class asks Addams to confirm some details of staffing for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's office structure.

Addams asks Ramondt-Hirschmann to participate in legal proceedings related to the Amanda Lauterbach estate.

Class tells Addams about his meeting with Emily Balch and suggests that Cornelia Ramondt-Hirschmann might be the appropriate officer to receive the Lauterbach estate funds.

Balch asks Addams for information regarding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for the Lauterbach bequest.

Addams tells Hull about her plans to claim the Lauterbach bequest for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Detzer regales Addams with her efforts to secure a retraction from the American Legion in Sioux City.

Report on the decision made by the Executive Committee regarding the ongoing publication of Pax International.

Marshall asks Jacobs to sign a letter for Chinese feminists and updates her on the aftermath of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Executive Committee meeting.

Glücklich sends Addams information on the recent Executive Committee meeting of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Detzer tells Addams that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom wants to send two delegates to China, and suggests that the United States Section fund one.

Balch tells Addams, Richards and Detzer that is reluctant to follow through on the plan to send an American peace delegate to China.

Balch writes to Anna Graves in the hopes that she extends the information in her letter to Jane Addams, informing graves about Addams ill health from an 'attack' and of some trouble in South Africa and within a W.I.L board meeting.

Marshall tells Addams why she has not been able to work effectively for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for the last few months.

Detzer writes to Addams about the effectiveness of reminders about membership due reminder and hopes of Emily Balch working in the Washington Office.

Blake reports to Addams on the work she did at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Geneva office.

Detzer updates Addams on efforts to meet with government officials about the situation in Haiti, the American Legion, and other affairs of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Washington office.