191 results

  • Received by: Balch, Emily Greene (1867-1961)

Addams updates Balch on efforts to publish Aletta Jacobs's manuscript.

Detzer tells Balch that she is unsure of the best way to collect membership dues from lapsed members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the United States.

Addams asks Balch if Alice Park is on the delegate list for the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams sends Balch a letter she write to Carrie Catt and says she thinks it might be foolish to indulge the attacks of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Jones tells Balch that he agrees that bringing Chinese women to the United States would be more valuable for peace than sending American women to China.

Addams sends Balch a letter in favor of military training in schools.

Hoysted asks Balch for information about Addams and other peace activists for use in Austria.

Addams asks Balch to handle the Lauterbach estate matters and notes that she would rather spend funds expanding work in Mexico than start it in China.

Addams asks Balch to respond to a letter she received and reports improved health.

Detzer tells Balch about her meeting with Mary Sherman and the attacks on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

An excerpt of a letter from Doty to Hull telling her about the financial situation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Geneva office.

Blake updates Balch on goings on at Maison International and asks her for advice on organizing the International Summer School.

Blake tells Balch about her planning for the International Summer School.

Blake updates Balch on her work for the Summer School and insists that she must attend.

Blake tells Balch how much they will miss her in organizing the Summer School and admits that she is not capable of running it herself.

Doty tells Balch that they are decided on a theme for the next International Congress, "The Next Steps for Peace."

Detzer tells Addams she was appointed to draw up a statement of the objects of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Shishmanova tells Balch about communist activity that is destabilizing Bulgaria and asks her to come visit to see it herself.

Glücklich explains to Addams the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's procedures for handling dues from Americans that arrive in Geneva and sends updates on recent activities.

Addams offers Balch her suggestions for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates to the League of Nations and issues to be discussed at the Executive Committee meeting.

Addams tells Balch her understanding of financial responsibilities between the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's International office and United States Section with regard to the International Congress of Women and the Summer School.

Addams tells Balch of her travels in China and entices her to spend a year there working for education and peace.

Addams discusses the finances of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School.

Addams sends Balch some letters (not found).