23 results

  • Subject is exactly "white slavery"

Welsh praises Addams' article on white slavery in McClure's Magazine and hopes it will start a discussion on the topic.

Chany writes in praise of Addams' article in McClure's Magazine and offers some of her own ideas about women and "social evils."

Gedge praises Addams' work and her article on white slavery, but he takes issue with her use of the word "cadet."
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Arguing that white slavery requires an organized movement to defeat it, Addams provides examples from cases in Chicago. This is the first in a five-part series, which would ultimately be published as A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil in 1912.

The writer discusses white slavery and Addams' recent article in McClure's Magazine.

Mee offers a lawyer's perspective on Addams' white slavery article in McClure's Magazine and compliments her grasp of the legislation.

Responding to Addams' latest article in McClure's Magazine, Jones discusses the role of drugs in white slavery.

Hallam praises Addams' recent article on white slavery and shares his ideas about fighting the problem.

Lockley sends Addams an article from the Pacific Monthly and praises her article McClure's article on white slavery .

Flower commends Addams for addressing the issues of white slavery in her November McClure's article.

After reading Addams' latest article in McClure's Magazine, Cox writes to discuss his experiences preventing women from falling into or remaining in prostitution.

The writer praises Addams' article in McClure's Magazine and adds that waitresses and department store clerks are also subject to the temptations faced by the women Addams mentions.
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Addams explores the economic plight of young women that often drives them to prostitution and white slavery. This is the second in a five-part series, which would ultimately be published as A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil in 1912.

Livingston writes Addams about her article on white slavery, because she herself is working in the Chinatown area of New York City working to help women get out of prostitution.

A newspaper report of Addams' April 23 speech at Carnegie Hall entitled "The Church and the Social Evil," published on May 13.

Worden laments to Addams about how some men treat young women and girls.

Also known as Our National Politics, August 3, 1912

A description of a Catholic sweatshop in Cincinnati that supposedly drugs young women and an attack on William Howard Taft as being pro-Catholic.

Bates offers Addams his opinions on A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil.
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Addams exposes the double standard applied to women who break society's moral codes and argues for a more charitable view of women and a better understanding of their economic circumstances. This is the eleventh article of a monthly, year-long series on economic and social reform in America and a woman's role to affect change.

Scott asks Addams to write a piece for the Yale Daily News on men's role combating white slavery

Apcar asks Addams if she can help the plight of Armenian Christians in Turkey.