Eastman describes new organizational changes to the American Union and requests a meeting with Addams before the upcoming Woman's Peace Party meeting in Philadelphia.
Post discusses plans for the Annual Woman's Peace Party Meeting statement such as including a platform statement and loyalty pledge. Post also discusses potential organizational changes to the American Section of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace.
Post mentions discussions of dissolving the Woman's Peace Party. Post explains her opposition to this idea. Post also briefly discusses her opinion of compulsory military training.
Wald explains her resignation from the American Union and expectations for the future after the recent granting of suffrage to women in New York State.
Taussig recommends that the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting be held in Chicago, and gives her ideas for the possible name change for the party.
Addams asks what dates are convenient for Slayden to come to the meeting of the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board, and mentions some topics they must discuss.