Hyers acknowledges Lee's letter about creating a fund for businesses damaged by war and says that Addams' suggestions would be similar to those Alice Post provided.
Addams provides reasons for disarmament as a means to better the economy, reduce unemployment and taxes, and improve international relations. The speech was given at the Eccleston Guildhouse in London and then published.
Addams provides reasons for disarmament as a means to better the economy, reduce unemployment and taxes, and improve international relations. She gave the speech at the Eccleston Guildhouse in London on September 18, 1921.
Addams and Hamilton detail in full their trip to Germany and Austria for the Society of Friends, on the matter of food and relief distribution. Descriptions include lack of food in urban areas, lack of medical care for children, and a shortage of milk. They request more funds for post-war work from the American Friends Relief Committee.
Addams discusses the the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War using Tolstoy's theories, and argues that Russia represents an effort to end rather than start wars.
Addams discusses the the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War using Tolstoy's theories, and argues that Russia represents an effort to end rather than start wars.
Addams critiques the prioritization of commerce over charity and describes the work of the United States Food Administration. Addams also describes her concern for food insecurity and the importance American farmers have in feeding the world. Addams gave the speech at the National Conference of Social Work.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts of women to conserve food.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into efforts to bring food security to larger populations. Addams gave this speech at the National Conference of Social Work.