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  • Subject is exactly "World War I, conscription"

Mackie advises Sharpless about how conscription worked in New Zealand and is concerned about efforts to start it in Pennsylvania.

A pledge card created by the Anti-Enlistment League to refuse to voluntarily enlist in any military organization.

Jenkins asks Addams to oppose the distribution of anti-enlistment pledge cards at Woman's Peace Party meetings.

Addams writes to Sedgwick explaining her reluctance to write an article on women's vote at the moment.

Addams congratulates Jensen for defeating conscription in Australia.
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The Woman's Peace Party outlines steps that peace activists can take once war is declared.
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Addams testifies against conscription before a closed hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Military Affairs. She was one of many opponents who opposed universal service.

Parker returns Wald and Addams's letter which he believes was misaddressed, and states his support for universal military service.

Twitchell invites Addams to speak in Cincinnati against conscription.

Addams asks Baker to include amendments for conscientious objectors in the pending Selective Draft bill.

Emanuel Haldeman-Julius updates Addams on the birth of her grand-niece Alice Haldeman-Julius.

Moore provides Addams data on number of men who claimed a draft exemption as a way to gauge support for the war.

In discussing two German Americans attempt suicide to avoid the draft and fighting against their native country of Germany, Viereck's argues for alternate ways for German-Americans to serve their country.

Minthorn asks Addams if the conscription law excludes Quakers and suggests a plan to bring about peace.

Karsten sends Minthorn information on the conscription law and the Woman's Peace Party.

A suggested amendment to Draft Law proposes that last or only children be exempted from military service and that men pursuing post-graduate study be exempted to preserve teaching and investigation.

Karsten tells Dales that Addams wants to send her request through the Woman's Peace Party's legislative committee who can determine whether or not to support the amendments to the Draft Law of 1917.

Dales hopes that Addams will use her influence to help pass an amendment to the Draft Law of 1917.

Karsten sends Rosecrans material on military training in schools and universal military service for a school debate.

Haldeman-Julius updates Addams on her daughter, explains recent appeals to remove her husband from the draft, and discusses their publishing company.

Moore tells Courtney her views on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's acceptance of many kinds of pacifists.