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  • Subject is exactly "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, delegates"

Glücklich recommends to Hamilton-Gordon that Chrystal Macmillan serve as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's delegate to the League of Nations committee.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, August, 1925

Glücklich sends Addams news from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting on the upcoming congress and other issues.

Glücklich tells Addams about recent Women's International League for Peace and Freedom meetings, plans for delegates to the International Congress of Women, and her views on the office planning for the Congress.

Glücklich tells Addams about efforts in Europe to prepare for the International Congress of Women.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, June 6, 1925

Glücklich sends information to National Sections about efforts to campaign for compulsory arbitration, and upcoming meetings.

Glücklich tells Ashby that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will send Chrystal Macmillan to be their representative to the League of Nations' International Law Committee.

A list of biographies of delegate to the International Congress of Women.