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  • Subject is exactly "League of Nations, support for"

Broda asks Addams to support efforts to create an international daily devoted to the work of the League of Nations.

Addams asserts that the current and future generations must make an effort towards world peace and international cooperation.

Addams spoke about the United States and the League of Nations to the Community Church in Shanghai.

Addams discusses the work that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom has done since World War I to foster peace.

The Herald reports on Cornelia Parker's lecture at the Ford Hall Forum, which supports Jane Addams against the accusations of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Meeting minutes record discussions on President Wilson's options with regard to the Paris Peace Treaty.

Cothren updates Addams on actions of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Cothren asks Addams whether Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members can support the League of Nations with reservations.

Huntsman sends Addams details and an invitation to the 1922 International Peace Congress.

Hudson accepts Addams's invitation to lecture in Chicago on the League of Nations.

Mead tells Addams about her activities regarding the upcoming Washington Naval Conference.

Mead writes to Addams to discuss the future of the Woman's Peace Party and her efforts to support the League of Nations.

Addams addresses a peace meeting and argues that in order for Europe to recover economically, the peace treaty must be revised; she also argues that the United States should and will join the League of Nations.

Cumberson updates Addams on the campaign to support the League of Nations in California.

Addams asks members of the Woman's Peace Party National Executive Board to use their influence to try to prevent the United States from being drawn into war.

Addams sends Dodd a letter from George Herron asking for help for the League of Nations.

Addams sends Dodd a petition regarding the League of Nations and hopes to see him before she leaves for Europe.

Addams sends White a letter from George Herron about the troubles of the League of Nations and asks for his opinion of the plan.

Addams invites Hudson to lecture on the League of Nations in Chicago.

Addams sends Hudson a list of the fees he should receive for speaking in Chicago.

Addams sends Hudson dates for speaking in Chicago and thanks him for speaking in support of the League of Nations.

Addams offers Balch her suggestions for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates to the League of Nations and issues to be discussed at the Executive Committee meeting.

Addams tells Marshall that she will join the International Committee for Relief to Russia and promises her more news after the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Mass Meeting.

Addams sends Blaine a letter from George Herron asking for help for the League of Nations.