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  • Subject is exactly "Chicago, city government"

Addams speaks to the Traction Commission, representing the working people living in the 19th Ward and seeking a reduction of public transportation fares.

Adler & Lederer Law Offices asks Addams to sign a petition against the widening of Halsted Street.

Kales reports on the status of a City Homes Association meeting and asks a question posed in the meeting.

McCormick sends Addams a letter regarding the composition of the committee for feeble-mindedness and invites her to attend the meeting.

Blaine reports that the Mayor has appointed her to the Board of Education and hopes that Addams thinks it is worthwhile for her to join.

Addams received a copy of this anonymous letter, offering a scathing impression of Chicago politicians out to get Police Chief John McWeeny and criticizing the Chicago Tribune as corrupt. The writer uses derogatory names, like "Sneaky" and "Sissy," for many of the characters and calls the press the "Scrofulas."

Merriam sends Addams a copy of an ordinance to create a Department of Public Welfare in Chicago and invites her to join a conference on it.

On behalf of his association, Gary writes to Addams about the pros of the widening of Halsted Street.

An application for endorsement as a charitable organization from the Chicago Association of Commerce.
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Addams discusses the perils that face immigrant women and the need for protections.

DeGroot writes Addams about his resignation from the South Park Systems.

Gruhl requests information from the museum about the state treasurer and state funds.
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Addams praises Alexander McCormick for his experience and service to immigrants and supporting his candidacy for commissioner.

The "West Chicago Landowners' Protective Association" warns those on Halsted Street of the proposed street widening.

Hooker sends McCormick a list of objects for the Municipal Museum.
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Addams speaks to the National Civil Service Reform League's annual meeting about the issues with the merit system in civil service.

Addams works with McCormick to support his candidacy for Cook County Board president.

Addams writes Foote about unpaid Municipal Museum bills.

Addams telegrams Merriam to ask the Progressive Party to support Alexander McCormick's bid for Cook Country Board.

Addams agrees with Crowe that Chicago firemen deserve pay increases and invites her to speak to the Hull-House Women's Club.

Addams writes Robins about social workers' efforts to convince A. A. McCormick to run for president of the Cook County Board in Illinois.

Addams sends a telegram to Robins asking the Progressive Party to support A. A. McCormick for Country Board.

Addams testifies before the Board of Local Improvements in opposition to the widening of Halsted Street because of its potential impact upon Hull-House.

Addams tells Browne stories about John Altgeld for a biography he is writing.

Taylor explains to Bruére why the Chicago settlement workers insist that the prohibition report not include specific names.