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  • Creator is exactly "Schwimmer, Rosika"

Schwimmer wishes to discuss multiple aspects of the Woman's Peace Party with Addams, including possible lecturers and platform issues.

Schwimmer asks Addams to come to Europe to recover from illness, complaining that Aletta Jacob is destroying the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace.

Schwimmer reports problems with Aletta Jacobs and other pacifists that endanger the success of Ford Peace Ship expedition and hopes that Addams can intervene.

Schwimmer sends a telegram to Addams requesting stationary for international correspondence as well as giving the dates and locations that she will be speaking.

Schwimmer writes Addams so the two can coordinate a meeting.

Schwimmer writes Addams eager to help in any way she can and encloses a Peace Party leaflet for the European presidents.

Schwimmer tells Addams that the Ford Peace Ship Expedition is a success and entreats Addams to come to Europe for the Neutral Conference.

Schwimmer will be in New York City reporting on the peace movement and has been in contact with many of the leaders in the movement.

Schwimmer tells Addams to wait until she hears from Mary Hay before responding to a letter from Pittsburgh.

Schwimmer asks for Addams' opinion about perceived miffs from the Washington Branch of the Woman's Peace Party, and discusses her lectures.

Schwimmer updates Addams with her plans for the peace meeting in Washington.

Schwimmer thanks Addams for signing an American Civil Liberties Union petition in her support.

Schwimmer updates Addams on her schedule in Chicago and asks if she can help prepare the planned peace meeting in Washington.

Schwimmer stresses the importance of publicity for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Washington Conference and urges Addams to begin promoting it.

Schwimmer is concerned that she hasn't heard from Addams and gives her an account of their activities in Scandinavia and Germany.

Schwimmer asks Addams to use her influence with Henry Ford to get him to speak to her.

Schwimmer encloses the minutes of of the board of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace.

Schwimmer complains to Addams about the collapse of the Peace Ship and Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation and her difficulties with the Fords and others.

Schwimmer tells Addams that she is on a peace mission from Europe with President Wilson and Bryan.

Schwimmer updates Addams on her travel plans back to Europe.

Schwimmer discusses her visit with Henry Ford and gives Addams her views on the peace movement.

Schwimmer telegrams Addams regarding her arrival in Bar Harbor and asks to meet Jacob Schiff.

Schwimmer sends Addams lists and biographies of some of the International Congress of Women delegates and suggests they clarify the way that names are attached to countries.

Schwimmer informs Addams that she is resigning from the Peace Party. She has also sent Addams articles about Russia.

Schwimmer drafts a telegram to Addams.