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  • Contributor is exactly "Sokolska, Miriam"

Also known as Qvistgaard, Elna Augusta Thulin Rønsholt (1878-1970)


A list of stops and contacts for the 1924 Pax Special.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom lists expenses during the first part of the Pax Special tour.

A financial summary of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom expenses related to the International Congress of Women, the Pax Special and office expenses.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom clarifies confusion about expenses paid to its United States Section office from the Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom provides a financial statement of the Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund, Pax Special, and the International Congress of Women.

The statement reports the cash on hand after conference, summer school, and travel expenses.

Woods updates Addams on the Pax Special events in Ottawa.

Spencer pledges to donate $50 to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.