Baker Brownell Papers


Baker Brownell enjoyed a rich and varied career as a soldier, newspaper man, popular teacher and lecturer, prolific writer and minor power, and scholar concerned with the dynamics of both the "small community" and the larger "human community" of which it formed an important component. During his lifetime, much of which was spent as a member of the faculty at Northwestern, Brownell achieved a national reputation based upon both his recognized abilities as a lecturer and teacher and his distinctive philosophical views which were articulated through a literary outpouring that included several books and countless articles.

Alternative Title

Baker Brownell Papers

Documents in this collection


Addams tells Brownell that she will give a lecture for his course at the Medill School of Journalism.

Addams tells Brownell that she can lecture next year in March.

Addams tells Brownell that she will not be able to write an article for him.

Brownell asks Addams to reconsider submitting an article for his book, New World Series on a topic related to modern humanism.

Addams tells Brownell that she cannot supply an article for his book series because she has had trouble writing lately.

Addams accepts Brownell's invitation to participate in his Northwestern course.

Addams tells Brownell that due to poor health she needs to change the date of her lecture to his class.