Maloney collection of McKim-Garrison family papers


The collection consists of correspondence and other papers of prominent members of the interrelated McKim and Garrison families collected by Margaret McKim Maloney and others. Included are papers of architect Charles Follen McKim, abolitionists James Miller McKim, William Lloyd Garrison, James H. Garrison, and their descendants. Papers of James Miller McKim, 1828-1882, contain correspondence, accounts, family and personal miscellany, and clippings. Papers of his son Charles Follen McKim, 1857-1908, include correspondence, his diary of a walking tour in 1863, speeches, personal miscellany, and a sketch by Charles Dana Gibson, and printed matter. Also included is correspondence of Margaret McKim Maloney, Wendell Phillips Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, Jr., Frank J. Garrison, Moncure Conway, Wendell Phillips, and Edward and Mathilda Kyllman.




Alternative Title

Maloney collection of McKim-Garrison family papers

Documents in this collection


Addams sends Maloney a money order from Victor von Borosini to thank her for her husbands' attention to his injury.

Addams apologizes for a mistake on a payment and sends a new one.