American Civil Liberties Union Archives

Alternative Title

American Civil Liberties Union Archives

Documents in this collection


Addams tells Baldwin that Newton D. Baker's response to her request for exemptions for conscientious objectors was unsatisfactory.

Parker returns Wald and Addams's letter which he believes was misaddressed, and states his support for universal military service.

Addams and Wald ask Parker to sign a letter to Woodrow Wilson calling for the maintenance of democratic institutions during war time.

Addams tells Baldwin that she telegrammed Newton Baker and suggests that he and Lillian Wald so do so too.

Baker thanks Addams for her letter on conscientious objectors and promises that it will be reviewed by Congress as they make decisions.

Addams tells Baldwin that Walter Fisher did not support efforts for conscientious objectors.

Karsten replies to Baldwin notifying him that the Woman's Peace Party hasn't taken a definite stance on his issue.

Addams tells Baldwin that there is not enough evidence with regard to the Industrial Workers of the World Defense Committee for her to contact the President.

Addams offers comments on Roger Baldwin's statement regarding the Industrial Workers of the World Defense Committee.

Mack thanks Addams for her letter and notes that Newton Baker's attitude is fine.

Addams reluctantly declines to sign on to Baldwin's appeal for funds to defend Industrial Workers of the World workers arrested by the government.

Addams tells Dennett that Walter Fisher will not accept an invitation.

Karsten explains the enclosed item sent by Addams.

Addams tells Wood that while she admires Roger Baldwin's statement, her reasons are very different.

Addams tells Stokes that she cannot leave Chicago to attend the National Civil Liberties Bureau meeting in Washington.

Addams telegrams the National Civil Liberties Bureau that she cannot attend the Washington meeting.

The American Civil Liberties Union seeks approval of its statement of principles and the candidacy of Fremont Older to the National Committee.

Addams tells Wood that she will join the Civil Liberties Bureau, but questions whether national groups are as effective as local ones.

A form asking for potential members for the American Civil Liberties Union.

American Civil Liberties Union defines its stance on first amendment rights, labor rights, law enforcement, immigration and racial equality.

Addams apologizes to Baldwin for not signing a support letter but notes that she is wary of signing on causes that she is not familiar with.

De Silver asks American Civil Liberties Union members to allow the use of their names in an advertisement regarding the International Workers of the World free speech case.

The American Civil Liberties Unions seeks funding for an appeal of the Industrial Workers of the World conspiracy case.

Addams tells De Silver not to use her name on an American Civil Liberties Union advertisement in support of an International Workers of the World case.

De Silver asks Addams whether the American Civil Liberties Union can use her name in an advertisement regarding the trial of International Workers of the World leaders on espionage and sedition.