Industrial Removal Office Papers


The Industrial Removal Office was created as part of the Jewish Agricultural Society to assimilate immigrants into American society, both economically and culturally. It worked to employ all Jewish immigrants. The collection contains administrative and financial records, immigrants' removal records, and correspondence. A database has been constructed to search for persons removed by the Industrial Removal Office.

Alternative Title

Industrial Removal Office Papers

Documents in this collection

Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 18, 1909 001.jpg

Addams invites Bressler to give a paper at a program on immigration she is planning for the Conference of Charities and Correction.
National Conference of Charities and Corrections Conference Program Draft, March 18, 1909 001.jpg

Draft program Addams sends to David Bressler for the Conference of Charities and Correction.
David Bressler to Jane Addams, March 22, 1909.jpg

Bressler accepts Addams' invitation to give a paper at a conference.
Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 31, 1909.jpg

Addams writes Bressler with details regarding the presentation of his upcoming lecture.
David Bressler to Jane Addams, April 2, 1909.jpg

Bressler and Addams continue their correspondence regarding the details of his lecture.